Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Hi and welcome back to my blog!

My second entry woohoo :-)

Becoming a Spanish teacher would be a dream come true. Learning how to incorporate technology in the classroom its super important. Here is a video of a highly effective Spanish teacher and how she incorporate technology, making her classroom enjoyable and engaging for her students.  Enjoy!

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Hi and welcome to my blog!

Let me start by introducing my self. My name is Gregoria Rodriguez. I am happily married mother of three wonderful children. My daughter just turn 18 and is enrolled in college completing her early admission program. My two sons are still in elementary school 5th and 4th grade students. With a full time job, and being a full time student, I have no choice but to be a part-time mom and wife: at least that's what it feels like.
I want to be able to provide for my family. I want to be able to help my husband so that he doesn't have to work six days a week from 9am till 8pm. Now I understand the saying "it takes a village to raise a family". Without the support from my husband, the help from my daughter, and the aid of some friends, I don't know if I would be able to pull this off as I have been able to so far.

                                        My daughter, Myself, my niece (Welcoming Shabbat)

                                           Mi familia

My passion is to help people.
My hobbies: watching shows on Hulu or Netflix, and crocheting
What I want to be when I "grow up": a teacher :-) I would love to teach Spanish; I also entertained the thought of becoming a school guidance counselor.

Thank you for visiting my blog. Have a blessed day.